class ArangoDbContainer(image: str = 'arangodb:latest', port: int = 8529, arango_root_password: str = 'passwd', arango_no_auth: bool | None = None, arango_random_root_password: bool | None = None, **kwargs)ΒΆ

ArangoDB container.


This example spins up an ArangoDB container. You may use the get_connection_url() method which returns a arangoclient-compatible url in format scheme://host:port. As of now, only a single host is supported (over HTTP).

>>> from testcontainers.arangodb import ArangoDbContainer
>>> from arango import ArangoClient

>>> with ArangoDbContainer("arangodb:3.11.8") as arango:
...    client = ArangoClient(hosts=arango.get_connection_url())
...    # Connect
...    sys_db = client.db(username="root", password="passwd")
...    # Create a new database named "test".
...    sys_db.create_database("test")